[Télécharger] The Toaster Project : Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch de Thomas Thwaites Livres En Ligne
Télécharger The Toaster Project : Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch de Thomas Thwaites Pdf Ebook

Télécharger "The Toaster Project : Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch" de Thomas Thwaites livre En ligne
Auteur : Thomas Thwaites
Catégorie : Livres,Art, Musique et Cinéma,Histoire et critique
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
Where do our things really come from? China is the most common answer, but Thomas Thwaites decided he wanted to know more. In The Toaster Project, Thwaites asks what lies behind the smooth buttons on a mobile phone or the cushioned soles of running sneakers. What is involved in extracting and processing materials? To answer these questions, Thwaites set out to construct, from scratch, one of the most commonplace appliances in our kitchens today: a toaster. The Toaster Project takes the reader on Thwaites s journey from dismantling the cheapest toaster he can find in London to researching how to smelt metal in a fifteenth-century treatise. His incisive restrictions all parts of the toaster must be made from scratch and Thwaites had to make the toaster himself made his task difficult, but not impossible. It took nine months and cost 250 times more than the toaster he bought at the store. In the end, Thwaites reveals the true ingredients in the products we use every day. Most interesting is not the final creation but the lesson learned. The Toaster Project helps us reflect on the costs and perils of our cheap consumer culture and the ridiculousness of churning out millions of toasters and other products at the expense of the environment. If products were designed more efficiently, with fewer parts that are easier to recycle, we would end up with objects that last longer and we would generate less waste altogether.
Télécharger The Toaster Project : Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch de Thomas Thwaites PDF Ebook En Ligne
The Toaster Project : Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a ~ The Toaster Project : Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch: Amazon: Thwaites, Thomas: Livres
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The Toaster Project: Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple ~ The Toaster Project takes the reader on Thwaites s journey from dismantling the cheapest toaster he can find in London to researching how to smelt metal in a fifteenth-century treatise. His incisive restrictions all parts of the toaster must be made from scratch and Thwaites had to make the toaster himself made his task difficult, but not impossible. It took nine months and cost 250 times more .
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The Toaster Project: Or A Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple ~ Achetez et téléchargez ebook The Toaster Project: Or A Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch (English Edition): Boutique Kindle - Sculpture : Amazon
The Toaster Project Or A Heroic Attempt To Build Simple ~ The Toaster Project Or A Heroic Attempt To Build Simple Electric Appliance From Scratch Thomas Thwaites Author: wiki.ctsnet-Anne Abt-2020-10-04-03-35-55 Subject: The Toaster Project Or A Heroic Attempt To Build Simple Electric Appliance From Scratch Thomas Thwaites Keywords: The Toaster Project Or A Heroic Attempt To Build Simple Electric Appliance From Scratch Thomas Thwaites,Download The .
The Toaster Project ~ "Left to his own devices he couldn’t build a toaster. He could just about make a sandwich and that was it." Mostly Harmless, Douglas Adams, 1992 . The book of The Toaster Project has been published! It is available of course from Amazon, or from the publisher, Princeton Architectural Press, or (hopefully) 'from all good bookshops'. A bit more about the Toaster Project is online here (this is .
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The Toaster Project — Wikipédia ~ The Toaster Project est un projet lancé en 2010 par le designer Thomas Thwaites (en), consistant à fabriquer un grille-pain à partir des matériaux de base, le plus brut possible [1].Pour cela, Thomas Thwaites s'est procuré du fer, du cuivre et du mica dans des mines désaffectées, puis du plastique fondu, et a tenté en utilisant des techniques artisanales de reproduire les composants .
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