[Télécharger] Small Scale, Big Change : New Architectures of Social Engagement de Andres Lepnik PDF Ebook En Ligne
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Télécharger "Small Scale, Big Change : New Architectures of Social Engagement" de Andres Lepnik En Ligne
Auteur : Andres Lepnik
Catégorie : Livres,Art, Musique et Cinéma,Architecture
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
« Small Scale, Big Change » focuses on designing and building in underserved communities around the globe. Rooted in the traditions of early Modernism, the work of the architects shown in this book expresses a desire for social change and a belief in the social responsibility of architecture. The projects often schools, parks, housing projects and infrastructural interventions are typically the result of close collaboration with members of the community and future users. They are located in impoverished urban and rural communities and reveal an exciting change in the longstanding dialogue between architecture and ethics, wherein the architects roles, methods, approaches and responsibilities are all dramatically reconsidered. These architects address community needs with innovative, low - budget and adaptable designs without sacrificing aesthetics. In these works, one also sees an expanded definition of sustainability encompassing larger social and economic issues. The architects featured include Alejandro Aravena, Anna Herringer, Francis Kéré, Jorge Maria Jauregui, Lacaton Vassal, Michael Maltzan, Noero Wolff Architects, Rural Studio, Teddy Cruz, Urban Think Tank
Télécharger Small Scale, Big Change : New Architectures of Social Engagement de Andres Lepnik Francais PDF
MoMA / Small Scale, Big Change / Project Index ~ Inner-City Arts 1993–2008 Los Angeles, California Michael Maltzan Architecture; METI – Handmade School 2004–06 Rudrapur, Bangladesh Anna Heringer and Eike Roswag; Casa Familiar: Living Rooms at the Border and Senior Housing with Childcare 2001–present San Ysidro, California Estudio Teddy Cruz; Housing for the Fishermen 1998–2008 Tyre, Lebanon Hashim Sarkis A.L.U.D. $20K House VIII .
MoMA / Small Scale, Big Change / About the Exhibition ~ Overview. Small Scale, Big Change: New Architectures of Social Engagement (October 3, 2010–January 3, 2011) presents eleven building projects on five continents that bring innovative architecture to underserved communities. The featured architects address the functional requirements of their designs but also aim to have a broad positive effect on the communities they work in, as partners in .
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